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Mindset Manifesting as Money, Health, and Relationships by Sovereign Storytellers

Sep 13, 2023

I’ve been wondering why my money program works so well when many courses I took were taught by good people and had good content but didn’t work. This line of contemplation led me to the question I and others have: How come it's the spiritual people? 

How come it's the sensitive people? 

Why are the empaths, the healers, and the people just trying to save animals and the planet and help others are almost always broke? 

Why is it that segment of the population struggling so hard but can't figure out money, can't bring it in, can't hold it when it does come in, actively doesn't like it, and actively pushes against money? Some even hate it, and start labeling everything to do with money, marketing, and sales is horrifically evil. 

What is it about this population that makes that happen?

I hypothesize it's the inability to tolerate the physicality of being here.