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Mindset Manifesting as Money, Health, and Relationships by Sovereign Storytellers

Mar 22, 2022

Be grateful that you did whatever it took to survive to adulthood. Whatever it took to get you through deserves your gratitude not recrimination and certainly not shame. Im glad you're alive today!

Mar 14, 2022

Want to pray for Ukraine? You need to hear this episode. "A prayer for peace cannot come from a Mind at War. The Body is the transmitter. To pray Peace, the Body must BE in a state of Peace. Prayer lives in your bones and blood, not your worrisome thoughts." BE 'N The Gang opened the day with this information. Powerful...

Mar 9, 2022

If we were raised in a religion we were often warned against oracle cards, crystals, tools of magick, and those used to try to manifest our desires even vision boards. Why? Those warnings are right but not for the reasons we were told. Listen in and see how your tools might be working against your success.